AnonGhost, a pro-Palestine hacker collective has been on a unending hacking spree.  The latest victim of AnonGhost cyber assault is United Nations. AnonGhost today defaced the United Nations (UN) website. They have released a statement on stating that they hacked United Nations website under the #OpSaveAlAqsa following rising tensions between Israel and Palestine surrounding the future of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem. The latest attack has seen AnonGhost hit a UN website which is used by officials to log into the UN system. The website was defaced with the AnonGhost logo, a message detailing the reason for the attack and images purporting to show dead Palestinian children. The message reads:

#OpSaveAlAqsa : Operation Save Al-Aqsa

The attack was carried out under the banner of Operation Save Al-Aqsa, referring to the mosque in East Jerusalem which is the third holiest site in Islam but which has been the centre of rising tensions between the two hostile neighbours in recent weeks.There were severe protests in Palestine over Jewish visitors to the site and worries over a possible change which would allow Jews to pray at the flashpoint location. The protests were organised after a Israeli Housing Minister, Uri Ariel, had two weeks back suggested that the Al-Aqsa mosque could be replaced by a Jewish temple.  Prime Minister Netanyahu however had dismissed Ariel’s statement with the PMO stating that  Israel’s policy towards a ban on Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount site would not change.

#OpSaveAlAqsa : Operation Save Al-Aqsa120 more Government websites hacked

The holy site was captured by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War and an agreement was reached whereby Muslims would be able to pray on the Temple Mount while Jewish prayer would be limited to the Western Wall area.

120 more Government websites hacked

In addition to the United Nations website, the AnonGhost have also hacked 120 more websites belonging to different governments around the world.  The latest hacking spree by the AnonGhost seems to suggest that they dont have a particular objective in mind. Looking at The Official Facebook page of AnonGhost, more and more Government websites are being added to the list of there victims by every passing hour. Similarly the UN press office has not responded to a questions about how this attack happened and whether any of the data was breached/stolen.