For those unaware, Twitter Circle is similar to Instagram’s Close Friend’ feature, which allows users to restrict their audience for their Insta stories. Similarly, Twitter’s new feature will allow users to choose a smaller crowd of 150 people with whom they want to share their tweets. To check if you have access to Twitter Circle, ensure that your Twitter app is updated or you can open Twitter in a web browser. When you enter the “Compose Tweet” panel, you will see a dropdown menu at the top that reads Everyone. At this stage, you need to change the audience from “Everyone” to “Twitter Circle” to limit your tweet to a select audience. Alternatively, you can also click on Edit to add or remove people from your Circle. When you add or remove people from your Twitter Circle, Twitter does not notify them of the same. The new feature allows you to include up to 150 people in your Circle regardless of whether you follow them or not. Users in your Circle will see a note added to Circle-only tweets stating: “Only people in @[yourusername]’s Twitter Circle can see this tweet.” Similarly, if you see a tweet posted to someone’s Circle, there will be a green notice notifying you that only people in their Circle can view the content. Further, only the individuals you have added can reply to and interact with the Tweets you share in the Circle. However, they won’t be able to retweet your post but can take a screenshot and download your tweets. Additionally, when you respond to a tweet that someone sent out to their Circle, other people in the Circle can see your response and interact with it (unless you’re on private). While it appears that more users are getting access to the Twitter Circle feature, not everyone is able to see it in their accounts yet. Speaking to The Verge, Twitter spokesperson Joseph Nunez said that it is still testing the feature. “We are still currently testing Twitter Circle with a group of people across iOS, Android, and Web globally. The feature has not rolled out widely to everyone yet as we continue to gather feedback,” Nunez added. Looks like the new feature is being gradually rolled out and should be available to everyone any time soon.