We had reported last October that a person named Sanmay Ved managed to own the world’s best known and popular website, Google.com for a brief one minute. But at that time we do not know how Google managed to get its domain back. The story has been finally revealed! Ved had purchased the website out of  curiosity and had no intentions of actually keeping the domain name, but Google decided to offer a financial reward anyway. Ved declined to share how much this reward was, but he did note that it was “more than $10,000.” Ved had said while he awake late in the night and looking through Google domains, which is Google’s website buying service, he noticed that Google.com was available for purchase. He was surprised to see a green happy face indicating that it was available instead of a gray sad face which means that the domain has an owner and he promptly snapped it up. So, how much did it cost him to buy the most-trafficked domain in the world? Well, only $12. His midnight joust with Google domains earned him $6,006.13, which squintishly spells out “Google.” Being a gent that he is, Ved decided to donate this money to charity. When Google heard about Ved’s charitable intents, it promptly doubled the amount. One good deed begets another and domain goes back to Google!