You couldn’t have expected this from Apple. Its newly released iOS 10 operating system seems to be hiding real porn inside. iOS 10 has a new GIF search feature to help iPhone users post GIFs directly into iMessage. But somehow, hardcore porn seems to be baked into the same. If you type the word “butt” into iOS 10’s new, baked-in GIF search, it leads you to a certain My Little Pony in a fairly compromised position. The issue was first noticed by Deadspin who noted down in a blogpost. Deadspin says that Apple immediately fixed the butt search issue but the iOS 10 Porn problem persists. For example, if you type in “huge” into the new GIF feature, and you’ll find an unpixelated version of this:

It seems that the Apple engineers have somehow baked in NSFW hardcore porn into iOS 10’s new messaging App. Another woman emailed The Verge explaining a similarly embarrassing situation. She said that her eight-year-old daughter while trying to send a message to her dad, was presented with “a very explicit image” of “a woman giving oral sex to a well-endowed male.” Her daughter had also searched for “huge”and got the image shown above. The lady, Tassie Bethany was contacted over the phone by Verge and she told them, “I see the image come up like, holy shit, whoa whoa whoa, that’s a hardcore porn image.” “I grabbed the phone from her immediately. She typed in the word ‘huge,’ which isn’t sexual in any nature. It’s just a word, not like butt or anything else,” she added. Apple has been particularly strict with sexual content up to now but it seems to have slipped up with the new GIF search built into iMessage in iOS 10. It’s quite usual for any search to throw up NSFW results if you search for words like “boobs” and “penis” and “butt, ” but it’s a real problem for porn to slip through for an otherwise normal term like “huge.” Other iOS 10 users have also reported seeing NSFW images but not something as explicit as the result for “huge.” Apple is still to respond to the iOS 10 porn search issue, however, it fixed the “butt” issue within 10 hours after Deadspin’s blogpost while searches for “huge” have already been banned. Bethany says her daughter is fine — “she had no idea” — but she’s concerned about the possibility of other kids being accidentally exposed to porn through what’s supposed to be a goofy feature. “My daughter uses it because there’s cartoons and fart jokes, that kind of stuff,” she told Verge. “That’s hardcore porn. People making out she might see on ABC. That’s something that could potentially be pretty traumatizing for a small child.” It looks like Apple has a big big porn problem in its hands.